Obit: Funeral Services for T. J. Blagg Held In Durant

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Obit: Funeral Services for T. J. Blagg Held In Durant
Funeral services for T. J. Blagg, county pioneer who died at his sister's home in Ardmore Friday morning, were held in the chapel of Holmes Funeral Home Friday afternoon. Rev. Cecil Denny officiated.
Mr. Blagg, who was born in Fayetteville, Arkansas in June of 1860, moved to this county in 1884. He is survived by two sons, J. L. Blagg of North Dakota and C. C. Blagg of Blue and other relatives.
He was a member of the Odd Fellows lodge for thirty-two years, and while a member took an active part in the organization's work. He was known by many Durant people.

He resided at Blue, Bryan County, OK at the time of his death.

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