Elias T Pilant, 18211902 (aged 81 years)

Elias T /Pilant/
Name prefix
Given names
Elias T
Unique identifier: 561188DE86E1899354494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF12090
Death of a paternal grandmother
1838 (aged 16 years)
Unique identifier: 561188DE2950DB6904494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF16124
Unique identifier: 56118908E20306CE34494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:FF11882
Birth of a son
1849 (aged 27 years)
Unique identifier: 56118903850D0EFF94494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF87643
Birth of a son
1852 (aged 30 years)
Unique identifier: 5611890376A00EFF14494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF87639
Death of a mother
Unique identifier: 561188DE84A0498BB4494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF12020
Birth of a son
1855 (aged 33 years)
Unique identifier: 561189037DC90EFF54494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF87641
Death of a brother
Unique identifier: 561188DE85AA998EF4494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF12052
Burial of a brother
Unique identifier: 561188DE85B2198F04494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF12053
Birth of a daughter
1858 (aged 36 years)
Unique identifier: 561188DE87870994A4494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF12103
1860 (aged 38 years)
Unique identifier: 561188DE87241993D4494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF12095

Elias T Pilant, physician, age 38, born TN; Mary M, wife, age 38, born LA; Linda C, daughter, age 2, born TX; William M Collins, age 20, merchant, born LA; A E L Collins, age 16, born LA; The Collins, age 14, born LA; Floyd McCarty, age 18, druggist, born GA.

Death of a brother
Unique identifier: 561188DE84B8498C04494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF12023
Death of a father
Unique identifier: 561188DE843BC98B34494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF12015
Death of a brother
1867 (aged 45 years)
Unique identifier: 561188DE8652A99154494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF12073
Unique identifier: 561188DE870AE993A4494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF12093

Household: Elias T Pilant, landloard, age 49, born TN; Mary M, wife, age 49, born LA, keeping house; Theophile Collins, age 22, born TX, lumber clerk. Also lists boarders.

Death of a brother
Unique identifier: 561188DE84F1898CB4494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF12030
Burial of a brother
Unique identifier: 561188DE84F8E98CC4494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF12031
Unique identifier: 561188DE87347993F4494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF12096

Household: E T Pilant, head of household, age 59, born TN, medical doctor; Mary M, wife, age 59, born LA, keeping house; T J Collins, age 34, born TX, trader; M Collins, wife, age 17, born TX. Census also lists boarders.

Death of a brother
Unique identifier: 561188DE86289990C4494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF12068
Unique identifier: 561188DE86FB299384494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF12092

Household: Elias T Pilant, head of household, age 79, born May 1821 in TN, physician; Mary M, wife, age 79, born Mar 1821 in LA; William C Harris, nephew, age 34, born Sep 1865 in TX; Elias and Mary have been married 51 yers; Mary has had 8 children, only one is still living.

Reference Number
Unique identifier: 561188DE873B799414494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF12097
Shared note: 4986
July 7, 1902 (aged 81 years)
Unique identifier: 561188DE86E9399364494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF12091
Unique identifier: 561188DE87125993B4494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF12094
Record ID number
Family with parents
Birth: 1770 NC
Death: 1863Davidson Co, TN
Birth: 1780PA
Death: 1854Davidson Co, TN
Marriage Marriage1800NC
17 years
elder brother
Birth: 1816 46 36 TN
-5 years
elder brother
Birth: 1810 40 30 TN
Death: 1887Houston, Harris Co, TX
11 years
elder sister
Birth: 1820 50 40 TN
-15 years
elder brother
Birth: 1804 34 24 Gates Co, NC
Death: 1863Robertson Co, TN
6 years
elder brother
Birth: 1809 39 29 TN
Death: June 13, 1858Memphis, Shelby Co, TN
-4 years
elder brother
Birth: February 26, 1805 35 25 Coopertown, Robertson Co, TN
Death: May 14, 1874Robertson Co, TN
16 years
Birth: May 14, 1821 51 41 Robertson Co., TN
Death: July 7, 1902Harris Co, TX
-2 years
elder brother
Birth: 1818 48 38 Robertson Co, TN
Death: 1867TN
Family with Mary Margaret Compton
Birth: May 14, 1821 51 41 Robertson Co., TN
Death: July 7, 1902Harris Co, TX
Birth: March 1, 1821 LA
Death: August 8, 1910Harrisburg, Harris Co., TX
Marriage MarriageMarch 13, 1847Brazoria, TX
6 years
-23 months
7 years
4 years
William R Collins + Mary Margaret Compton
wife’s husband
Birth: about 1805
Death: September 1847Brazoria Co., TX
Birth: March 1, 1821 LA
Death: August 8, 1910Harrisburg, Harris Co., TX
Marriage Marriageabout 1840
6 years
Birth: June 15, 1845 40 24 TX
Death: November 11, 1923TX
-4 years
Birth: May 27, 1841 36 20 St Landry Parish, LA
Death: about 1863Both Mary and her sister Laura died at the same time of Yellow Fever., Fort Bend Co., TX
Shared note

Elias T Pilant, physician, age 38, born TN; Mary M, wife, age 38, born LA; Linda C, daughter, age 2, born TX; William M Collins, age 20, merchant, born LA; A E L Collins, age 16, born LA; The Collins, age 14, born LA; Floyd McCarty, age 18, druggist, born GA.

Shared note

Household: Elias T Pilant, landloard, age 49, born TN; Mary M, wife, age 49, born LA, keeping house; Theophile Collins, age 22, born TX, lumber clerk. Also lists boarders.

Shared note

Household: E T Pilant, head of household, age 59, born TN, medical doctor; Mary M, wife, age 59, born LA, keeping house; T J Collins, age 34, born TX, trader; M Collins, wife, age 17, born TX. Census also lists boarders.

Shared note

Household: Elias T Pilant, head of household, age 79, born May 1821 in TN, physician; Mary M, wife, age 79, born Mar 1821 in LA; William C Harris, nephew, age 34, born Sep 1865 in TX; Elias and Mary have been married 51 yers; Mary has had 8 children, only one is still living.

Reference Number
Shared note

"Biographical Souvenir of the State of Texas", 1889: ELIAS T. PILANT Among the early fathers who fought for the Republic's independence were thousands born on French soil; one of the number who served as soldier in the Revolutionary War was George Pilant, a native of France, who came to the New World while it was yet under the rule of the colonial government, and settled in North Carolina. Here he lived and raised a family. One of his sons, Elisha Pilant, was born in the Old North State in 1770. Elisha was reared on the old homestead and divided his time between working on the farm and learning to be a cabinet-maker. About the year 1800 he married a Miss Cassandra Martin, a native of North Carolina, who was born in 1780. Soon after the marriage they moved to Tennessee, where they located about twenty-one miles from Nashville on what was known as Paradise Ridge. During the war with Great Britain, 1812-1815, Elisha served as a soldier in the United States service. At the close of this conflict he returned to his home in Tennessee and there gave his attention to farming. He served for several years as justice of the peace and died in 1863, after a life filled with exciting scenes characteristic of the early pioneers of Tennessee. Mrs. Pilant died in 1854. One of the surviving members of this family is Elias T. Pilant, the subject of this sketch. He was born May 14, 1821, at the old homestead twenty-one miles below Nashville, Tennessee. His early life was not marked by any unusual incidents, having been reared on the farm until fourteen years of age. He then went to Nashville, where he attended an academy and completed his literary education in his eighteenth year. From this period until twenty-two years of age he taught school. He now had arrived at the age when a young man generally begins to think of a business or profession to which he shall devote his life's labor, and it was at this time that Elias began the study of medicine. In 1845-46 he attended the Louisville (Kentucky) Medical College and graduated with high honors. He then came to Texas, located in Fort Bend county and practiced for twenty years. He then moved to Harrisburg, Harris county, where he has since resided as a medical practitioner. Dr. Pilant was married March 12, 1849, to Mrs. Mary M. Collins, a daughter of Alexander Compton, of Louisiana. They have had four children, all of whom have died. George Pilant, a son of Elisha's brother George, became noted as a soldier in the early days of Texas, both against Mexico and the Indians; was shot through one lung, but recovered and died in Houston, Texas, 1887, about seventy years of age.