William Zachariah 'Zack' Bottoms, 18121896 (aged 83 years)

William Zachariah 'Zack' /Bottoms/
Given names
William Zachariah 'Zack'
Unique identifier: 561189068A3B051804494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF90172
Birth of a daughter
Unique identifier: 561188F43D715640B4494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF70083
Unique identifier: 56118907EFF6A18714494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:FF1094
Marriage of a daughter
Unique identifier: 561189099DA828E0E4494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:FF16081
Reference Number
Unique identifier: 561189068AB5951C04494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF90175
Shared note: 44348
Unique identifier: 561189068A5A551904494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF90173
Unique identifier: 561189068A78D51A04494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF90174
Record ID number
Family with Elizabeth A Walters
Birth: September 26, 1812Giles Co., TN
Death: February 27, 1896Garvin Co., OK
Birth: January 1848AL
Marriage Marriage1869
-17 years
Birth: April 1852 39 4 Cherokee Co., TX
Death: after 1910OK
Reference Number
Shared note

Submitted by Milda Mason of Alto, New Mexico

<p> William Zachariah "Zack" Bottoms was born 26 September 1812 and died 27 February 1896. He married Elizabeth Walters and they had 8 children. Two of his sons were killed in the gunfight at the circus. Alexander was killed by Bomar Moore, and William was killed by Elias Moore. Zach's son in law, "Jack" Florence killed John Moore. The Moore family legends tell this story about Zack Bottoms: Zack always came to town on a wagon pulled by a team of mules. One of those mules just hated Zack and hated to be hitched up or unhitched. Everytime Zack came near that mule he reached around and bit him. Zack tried to sell the mule but everybody knew about the biting and wouldn't buy the mule. Zack finally took to carrying a piece of short rope in the back pocket of his overalls to tie up the mule's mouth...only he had to untie it to get the bit in and out. Zack took some bad ribbing about it..... like... "kiss him Zack, maybe he'll get to love you."