John Jefferson Blagg, 1866

John Jefferson /Blagg/
Given names
John Jefferson
Unique identifier: 561188FCC3838AFD04494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF79730
Birth of a brother
Unique identifier: 561188FCC3E85AFD44494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF79732
Birth of a brother
Unique identifier: 561188FCC44CEAFD84494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF79734
Death of a mother
Unique identifier: 561188FCC2469AFC44494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF79724
Death of a father
Unique identifier: 561188FCBBD12AF884494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF79689

Obit: Gallipolis Daily Tribune, Jan 18, 1904:

Death of William H. Blagg

Mr. William Harvey Blagg was born at Rio Grande, December 23rd, 1824, and had always lived in Gallia County. He was married to Matilda Clark, of this County, about 50 years ago. She died seven years ago the coming July. They had children John, Bert, Frank and Mrs. Leroy Duvall, and for the last two months made his home with his son Frank. He was a flatboatman before the war. He entered the United States service in Captain C.C. Aleshire's 18th Ohio Battery, and drew a pension of $17 a month for his services.
He has always enjoyed the best of health, never having been sick until nine weeks ago, when stricken with paralysis. The complete funeral arrangements had not been made at this writing. Mr. Blagg was a very clever old man with many friends and was a cousin of the late Captain J.J. Blagg. He leaves one brother, David Blagg, of Jackson, who is 84 years old.

Reference Number
Unique identifier: 561188FCC3B35AFD24494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF79731
Shared note: 38681
Family with parents
Birth: December 24, 1824 42 44 Rio Grande, Gallia Co, OH
Death: January 17, 1904Gallipolis, Gallia Co, OH
Birth: 1838Perry, Gallia Co, OH
Death: January 17, 1897Perry, Gallia Co, OH
Marriage MarriageApril 12, 1859Gallia Co, OH
10 years
younger brother
Birth: 1868 43 30 Perry, Gallia Co, OH
-7 years
elder sister
Birth: 1860 35 22 Green, Gallia Co, OH
7 years
Birth: 1866 41 28 Perry, Gallia Co, OH
-6 years
elder sister
Birth: 1859 34 21 Green, Gallia Co, OH
14 years
younger brother
Birth: 1872 47 34 Perry, Gallia Co, OH
Reference Number