Littleton Lee Mapp, 1874

Littleton Lee /Mapp/
Given names
Littleton Lee
Unique identifier: 561188F5ACECA69064494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF70695
Death of a paternal grandfather
Unique identifier: 561188F59E8A068654494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF70606
Burial of a paternal grandfather
Unique identifier: 561188F59E9E868664494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF70607
Birth of a brother
Unique identifier: 561188F5AD4A3690A4494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF70697
Birth of a brother
Unique identifier: 561188F5ADB8D690F4494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF70700
Death of a paternal grandmother
Unique identifier: 561188F5A049E68794494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF70618
Birth of a brother
Unique identifier: 561188F5AE2CB69134494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF70702
Death of a father
Unique identifier: 561188F5A2C0068954494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF70632
Burial of a father
Unique identifier: 561188F5A2D4C68964494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF70633
Death of a brother
Unique identifier: 561188F5A980868E04494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF70673
Burial of a brother
Unique identifier: 561188F5A995268E14494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF70674
Death of a mother
Unique identifier: 561188F5A8FE568DA4494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF70669
Burial of a mother
Unique identifier: 561188F5A911768DB4494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF70670
Death of a brother
Unique identifier: 561188F5AC4C968FF4494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF70691
Death of a sister
Unique identifier: 561188F5AB81168F64494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF70686
Death of a brother
Unique identifier: 561188F5AD5E5690B4494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF70698
Reference Number
Unique identifier: 561188F5AD1A669084494FC262BEB6D4
Record ID number: MH:IF70696
Shared note: 34268
Family with parents
Birth: June 9, 1838 30 27 GA
Death: February 23, 1909Jones Co, GA
Marriage Marriage
younger brother
-3 years
-2 years
elder brother
Birth: November 21, 1871 33 34 Jasper Co, MS
Death: December 6, 1944Jasper Co, MS
-17 months
elder sister
-11 years
elder brother
-5 months
elder brother
Birth: September 20, 1858 20 21
-22 months
elder brother
Birth: November 6, 1856 18 19 Newton Co, MS
Death: November 3, 1910Jones Co, MS
24 years
younger brother
-2 years
younger brother
-10 years
elder sister
-19 months
elder brother
Reference Number