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Memorial services for Joel Lee Pyland, 56, will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 7, 1991, at the First United Methodist Church of Jefferson. Rev. Bob Dunegan will officiate.
Pyland was born Sept. 20, 1934 in Lassater, the son of Reeder Pyland and Mary Herren Pyland. He attended school in Jefferson, graduating in 1952, receiving a number of academic and music awards. He was named Mr. JHS in his senior year, and was remembered by teachers for his perpetual smile.
He received both his Bachelor and Masters degrees from North Texas State University. After teaching in East Texas schools, he was employed by Steck-Vaughan Publishing Co. in Austin, editing many of the text books used in the schools currently. He later retired from publishing, becoming a mail order dealer of antique silver. He died Aug. 29, 1991 at his home in Austin, following a brief illness.
Preceded in death by his father, Reeder Pyland; survivors include his mother, Mary Pyland of Jefferson; three aunts; many cousins; his business partner, J. Robert Phillips; and numerous other friends.

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