Obituary 1905 unknown newspaper:

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Obituary 1905 unknown newspaper:


A Widow of Two Wars -
Revolutionary and War of 1812
Called Home.

Oldest Woman in the County.

Last week we briefly noted the death of Mrs. Polly McMillin but we think it but right that we should give more than a passing notice to a pioneer mother, who has lived while almost three generations have come and gone.

Polly Steele was born in Stanton, Va., May 12, 1806; departed this life Oct. 11, 1905, aged 99 years, 4 months and 29 days. If she had lived five months longer she would have reached the century mark.

She was thrice married and three times was she left to mourn the loss of a husband and companion. She was united in marriage to Isaac Blagg in 1822. To this union were born six children, four sons and two daughters, only one of whom survives her, Samuel Blagg, of Erie Ill. One daughter Mrs. Curry Glenn preceded her to the better world last May.

Being bereft of her husband she was united in marriage the second time to Amasa Howe June 26, 1842, who died in 1852. Being left a widow again she became the wife of Joseph McMillin in 1860. Her union to her last two husbands was never blessed with any children.

Her first husband was a veteran of the Revolutionary War, and her last husband McMillin was a soldier of the war of 1812, from whom she drew a pension of $12.00 per month. It was just recently suggested by Hon. A. T. Holcomb, of Portsmouth, that Congress should take quick action to have her transferred to the Revolutionary pension list, as she is probably the last surviving window of a soldier in the war for independence.

Besides her son, she leaves twelve grandchildren, twenty-seven great-grandchildren and eight great-great grandchildren, many old time friends and acquaintances as well as her friends of recent years, who will deeply deplore the passing away of this fine old lady.

For several years the deceased made her home with her last surviving daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Glenn, and even after Mrs. Glenn’s death she was tenderly cared for by the family. Every effort was made to brighten her declining years. She suffered a paralytic stroke about six years ago, which deprived her of her speech, so her last years were passed very sadly. But she was always able to go about, only being confined to her bed about one week when she finally passed peacefully away.

Before she was stricken speechless she was a very entertaining talker and took delight in reciting incidents of her earlier days.

“Aunt Polly,” as she was familiarly called, is no more. A life of singular uprightness and purity closed with her passing away. She sleeps in peace and life and its labours are over with her forever.

For near one century she has been a citizen of this community. The union to each of her husbands was particularly happy, and every one will always remember pleasantly this kind old grandmother. This world has its griefs and sorrows but when one reaches the century mark we get an inking of what immortality means.

Early in life she professed faith in Christ and united with the Presbyterian Church, which then stood near the old Glenn graveyard, near Vinton. Now this good old women who has bore the burdens of life for nearly 5 score years, sleeps beside her first two departed companions, near the place where the old church stood, in which she worshipped for so many years - a family united at last by the ruthless hand of Death. Here she shall rest, life’s warfare o’er, her trials, tribulations, and sorrows ended. May her spirit rest forever in the hands of Him who gave it.

The last sad service of this old pioneer mother was held last Friday afternoon at the home of her son-in-law, W.C. Glenn, where she made her home of late years. Rev. J. P. McNeilan conducted the obsequies and Funeral Director H. K. Butler had charge of the interment.

Bidwell-Porter School

(This obit indicates that Polly is buried with her first two husbands who are in Sanctuary Cemetery, Raccoon Twp. However, Cemeteries of Huntington Township book indicate her buried in the Glenn Cemetery.)

This obituary was found in the funeral book of grand daughter, Sarah Frances GLENN (1850-1937)

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