
Shared note

Mike Silva, 69, Is Dead
Retired from Jewelry Business in Vinita, Okla., in 1963.
Mike Silva, 69, died at 4:25 o'clock this morning at his home, 2904 North Michigan.
Mr. Silva was born Dec. 19, 1895, in Frontenac. He started in the jewelry business with the Benelli jewelry store of Frontenac, as an apprentice in 1908. In 1925 he bought a jewelry store in Vinita, Okla., which he operated until his retirement in 1963. The family moved to Pittsburg in November of 1964.
During his lifetime he was very active in civic affairs and as a booster of the Grand River dam project he went to Washington, D.C. to urge approval of the necessary legislation to build the now existing dam.
He was married to Miss Mabel Johnson Dec. 18, 1920, in Girard.
Membership was held in the American Legion and the I.O.O.F. lodge, in both of which he ws active.
Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Mabel Silva of the home; two brothers, Frank Silva, Bethany, Okla., and Fred Silva, Oklahoma City, and one sister, Mrs. Katherine Mack, 3006 North Michigan.
Funeral arrangements are incomplete. The body is at the Friskel funeral home.

Record ID number
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128 0 59 69 Never
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