Obit: (The Morning Sun; Pittsburg, KS; 29 Jul 1976)

Shared note

Obit: (The Morning Sun; Pittsburg, KS; 29 Jul 1976)
Frank Silva, 72, Bethany, Okla., died July 29 after a long illness.
Born in Frontenac, Mr. Silva was a retired employee of Phillips Petroleum Co.
Survivors include the widow, Arvie Silva; two sons, Frank R. Silva Jr, Stavanger, Norway, and Michael Silva, Houston, Tex.; a daughter, Mrs. Paul Taylor, Oklahoma City; a brother, Fred Silva, Oklahoma City; a sister, Mrs. Katie Mack, Pittsburg; 10 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Another brother, Mike Silva of Pittsburg, died several years ago.
Graveside services were held July 31 at the Bethany Cemetery.

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120 3 47 72 Never
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