Death: 25 Feb 1944

Shared note

Death: 25 Feb 1944
Service Branch: U. S. Army Air Corps
Rank: Technical Sergeant
Service Number: 32626123
Radio Operator
Combat organization: 714th Bomber Squadron, 448th Bomber Group
U. S. Awards: Purple Heart Medal & Air Medal
Details of Death
There were 9 members of the 10-man B-24 crew, piloted by 1st Lt Lawrence M Edman, that were listed as non-recoverable and Missing In Action since 25 Feb 1944. The last point of contact was Amiens, France. The remains of one crew member, TSgt Jack A. Ghormley, washed ashore on the French coast five months later and was recovered after the war from a communal grave for airman who suffered similar fates. The MACR indicates that they dropped out of the formation (possibly with a feathered engine) and drifted out of sight, never to be seen again. His wife had just had a son earlier that month and she doesn't know if he knew he was a father or not.

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