Household: William H, head of household, age 46, born Jun 1853 in NC, wheel wright; Mary A, wife, ag…

Shared note

Household: William H, head of household, age 46, born Jun 1853 in NC, wheel wright; Mary A, wife, age 41, born Oct 1858 in GA; Georgia S, daughter, age 24, born Jul 1875 in GA, widow, has had one child who is still living; John D, son, age 19, born Oct 1880 in GA, invalid; Callie A, daughter, age 16, born Oct 1883 in NC; Doctor L, son, age 14, born Jan 1886 in GA; Berlin L, son, age 11, born 1889 in NC; Nannie B, daughter, age 8, born Aug 1891 in NC; James B, son, age 4, born Aug 1895 in NC; Bee, son, age 3, born Jul 1896 in NC; Jessie H, grandson, age 6, born May 1894 in NC; William and Mary have been married 25 years; Mary has had 11 children, 9 of whom are living.

Record ID number
Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
171 10 103 68 Never
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