Household: Mrs. M E Hassell, head of household, born Dec 1853 in MO, age 46, widow, married 29 years…

Shared note

Household: Mrs. M E Hassell, head of household, born Dec 1853 in MO, age 46, widow, married 29 years, has had 10 children, 6 of whom are still living; Enoch, son, age 16, born Jan 1884 in TX; Hugh, son, age 15, born Mar 1885 in TX; George M, son, age 13, born Feb 1887 in TX; Horace O, son, age 11, born Nov 1888 in TX; Leon M, son, age 4, born Feb 1896 in TX; Pearl Sexton, daughter, age 21, born Aug 1878 in TX, has been married 3 years, has had 2 children, both of whom are living; Lem Sexton, son in law, age 24, born Sep 1875 in GA; Opal Sexton, granddaughter, age 2, born Jul 1897 in TX; unnamed granddaughter, born Jul 1899 in TX.

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170 10 91 78 Never
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