Obituary: RUBY L. STOUT

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Obituary: RUBY L. STOUT

<p> Final rites for Ruby Lola Stout of Inola will be 2 p.m. Wednesday in the Eden Mennonite Church east of Inola. Burial will be in Woodlawn Cemetery, under direction of Musgrove-Merritt-Smith Funeral Service. Mrs. Stout, 77, died Monday, April 17, 1989, at Wood Manor Nursing Home. She was born Sept. 10, 1911, at Platter, to Tom and Sarah Marsh (sic). On Sept. 22, 1934, she married Herbert Roy Stout. He died May 1, 1987. Mrs. Stout had been a member of the Home Demonstration Club. She is survived by her son and daughter-in-law, Gene and Doris Stout of Inola; and grandchildren, Cynthia and Duane Stout and Sherrie Troyer, also of Inola. Memorial donations may be made to the Inola Library Fund.
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